when the revolution comes

Posted by walking rek on Jun 28, 2010 in living rek |

my increased commute and rekindled love of cooking  has prompted me  to invest in some serious bike luggage. all that yummy homemade vego food takes up a bit of space/weight and my daypack just doesnt cut it anymore.  after consulting with padlock i’m now the proud owner of a pair of uber rad ortlieb panniers. they are fully water proof and could fit a small (brave) child. no more squashed shallots or snapped bunches of celery, I can merrily stash these bad boys full of baguettes and go hurtling down flights of stairs on my way home from the market. WEEEE!

i bought these puppies from cheeky transport. aye, those gruff gents who charged me $20 to tell me that my mad max wheels were a death trap and sent me on my way all those years ago are still in bizness today. anyhow, seems they have  their act together and stock a mean + lean cross section of 2 wheel luggage options.  the guy who sold them to me is a passionate bike man with a cyber punk vision for the future:

Bike guy: Yeh sister, these panniers will serve you well. When the revolution comes, and we are all hanging out down by the water hole swapping supplies, those with Ortliebs will stick together. You can fit a lot of living in these swags. Bike people will have the edge, we are the future.

Me:  Cool.  Do they come in black?


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